Integrated solutions

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Integration mode

1. By our specialists – depending on the option, the WEBICC SCADA system will be installed on our platform or at any company with hosting services.

2. By integrators:

-By purchasing the  WEBICC SCADA software license directly;
-By purchasing a VM (virtual machine) service with the ready-integrated configurable WEBICC SCADA system ready for SCADA application development.


Cloud – Principle :

The SaaS version (software as a service) is a new concept and is an alternative to traditional software installations. The term refers to the distribution and licensing of software for cloud applications. SaaS is also known as on-demand software, web-based software, and hosted software. SaaS allows users to connect to and use cloud-based applications over the Internet. Users pay a fee for using the software.

The cloud service provider develops and maintains software for cloud applications, provides updates, and makes the software available to its customers. SaaS is hosted and running in the cloud. User data is stored in the data center of the provider.

As a general principle, all technological data of interest are acquired through Gateways and transmitted to the Cloud database where specialized personnel manage them. The WEBICC system connects directly to the factory controllers via these Gateways. Data is centralized in one place in the Cloud and can be accessed from anywhere, anytime and with any smart device.

WEBICC is a 100% web-based configurable SCADA system and is the perfect solution for migrating classic SCADA software applications to the Cloud. It is a modernization solution that should benefit any industrial customer because it relieves the tasks of administration and updating of the integral SCADA type system. Our company’s experts provide 24/7 assistance and maintenance.

Lifetime management of the WEBICC system

It is very often necessary to upgrade to the existing SCADA system, with the solution in the Cloud by using the WEBICC system received and the free administration and update service to the new requirements.

SCADA WEBICC system in the Cloud if you want to avoid

  • Using an outdated SCADA system;
  • Periodic updates;
  • Loss of data of interest;
  • Calling on specialized staff;
  • Headaches with ultra specialized technologies;
  • IT infrastructure management.
  • Complicated licensing systems;
  • Software installations on your own IT systems.


Operating systems 
Microsoft WindowsWindows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server
2012 R2
LinuxDebian, Ubuntu, SuSe, RedHat, Fedora
           PLC protocols 
Siemens S7S7-1200, S7-1500, S7-300, S7-400,…
VIPA100V / 200V /300 V / 300S..
EtherNet/IPControlLogix, CompactLogix, Micrologix 1200, Micrologix 1400,
Micrologix 1500, SLC 500, PLC 5, Omron PLCs, …
Modbus TCP/IPWago, Schneider, Micrologix, RTUs, ..
Modbus SerialABB AC500, ABB AC700, IPCDAS, ADAM, RTUs,…
           Other drivers 

See offers!

WEBICC is a SCADA / HMI system based on Web technologies and is very well suited to be used for standalone systems, on a dedicated server. This server can be any type of computer, server,  touchscreen PC, rasberry pi,depending on the size of the monitoring application. WEBICC  is a scalable platform from small projects with several hundred inputs / outputs in which we use Raspbery Pi to the visualization of large projects in which we use more powerful computers. This type of implementation is suitable for critical applications, used in local data networks, which require short response times of the order of milliseconds. WEBICC is an IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) platform that allows us to easily and quickly connect to diversified automation systems and is the ideal solution for digitizing companies. It is a configurable modular software platform that allows a parallel development of the SCADA project from different locations and from different people. Everything is centralized and the changes are seen in real time without interrupting the data acquisition or the runtime project.
  • A very big advantage is the licensing mode that allows an unlimited number of customer systems resulting in a substantial saving of money.
  • The development of the SCADA project can be done in parallel from any client system within the local network.
  • The result of the changes made, from any client computer that accesses the server, it is instant without software compilations;
  • The changes made in the SCADA project are instantly visible on all monitoring devices (PC, TV, tablet, telephone) within the network;
  • No installation on host devices;
  • Occupies few hardware resources;
  • There is only one type of license because the development and execution license is one and the same;
  • Works on both Windows and Linux operating systems;
  • WEBICC installed on touchscreen PC devices, in addition to ease of use in harsh work environments, turn them into real WEB servers that can be accessed local but also from a distance;
  • Functionality in basic and professional mode;
  • Detailed log system that records events, system process and activity of users;
  • Uses a rich industrial graphics library with which you can configure screens special synopses to highlight as accurately as possible the technological process followed;
  • Access to the SCADA application is protected and is well hierarchicalized with predefined roles.
  • Reports visible locally or remotely via the Internet under the WEBICC PROFESSIONAL license;
  • Fast way to develop the SCADA project because everything is configurable and not requires writing lines of code but still if the scripting module is needed GlobalScripts allows the creation of custom functions.
And many other facilities. Test the WEBICC platform online by accessing this link. The structure of an automation hierarchy in which WEBICC SCADA/HMI solution can be integrated:
