Web based 100% Configurabile SCADA in cloud.

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SCADA Cloud Version License

        In any of the two licensing versions, we also offer you the option in our Cloud, in which case only the costs of paying for the hosting, use and administration service are paid.

  1. As an end user

       By utilizing the Cloud service, you can avoid costs related to:

  • Development and runtime licenses for the WEBICC software package.
  • Operating system licenses.
  • Specialized IT equipment required for remote data acquisition, such as servers, networking, and UPS.
  • Maintenance expenses: electricity, temperature control, security systems, fire protection, etc.
  • Hiring specialized IT personnel and trained WEBICC SCADA staff.

      Other advantages:

  • Technical issues are resolved by the specialized WEBICC staff at no additional cost during the contractual period of subscription validity.
  • Flexibility in scaling hardware and software resources with low costs when needed.
  • Regular payment of a subscription fee for the Cloud service, similar to a phone subscription.
  • Use the service anywhere and anytime from any Internet-connected device.
  • Receive an IP address, domain, or subdomain, which you access via a simple link without the need for software installation on your device.
  • Backup services on a separate server guarantee emergency restoration.
  • No fixed IP service costs are required if the VPN communication solution is adopted.
  1. As an integrator:
  • Receive an IP address and access data to a virtual machine and provide the client with just the runtime application that can be accessed via the Internet through a link.
  • You can configure the WEBICC SCADA application from anywhere and anytime with an Internet connection.
  • Administer the client’s application anytime and from anywhere in your own Cloud or well-known platforms like Amazon and Microsoft.
  • Monthly subscription costs can be passed on to the end client.
  • Affordable training courses at your location or remotely.
  1. As a service distributor:
  • Earn profits from the markup on the service subscription provided by our specialists.
  • Enjoy attractive discounts.

You do not have costs with specialized maintenance, repair or development staff as in the case of classic SCADA solutions. The WEBICC platform is implemented on existing or new automation solutions. The final costs are reduced to the payment of the monthly subscription for administration and permanent use similar to mobile telephone subscriptions.

SCADA servers cloud
Cloud Services: Features
Platform hosting
VM (virtual machine) with OS Linux/Windows
WEBICC system installed on VM and ready for development
Secure VPN / SSL access
Optional on-demand development
Optional technical support

What is SCADA?

          Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems have been around for three decades and have long been considered the de facto method for interfacing with PLCs and providing alarm, logging, trending and operator interface functionality. Today, most SCADA software includes web and mobile interfaces and features specific IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) features. However, one of the benefits of using IIoT can actually be the removal of the traditional SCADA layer.



  • Data logs from SCADA systems are typically entered into a SQL database that is continuously growing and requires maintenance.
  • SCADA software requires upgrading to keep up with the latest Windows or Linux operating system updates and virus updates;
  • Usually the operating systems in use today become obsolete in 5 years, so soon you will have to purchase a SCADA upgrade, reinstall the software and configure it again;
  • Companies that have a staff of experienced SCADA programmers will find that maintaining SCADA system upgrades is tedious and time-consuming;
  • Maintaining a staff specialized in SCADA systems involves significant salary expenses for the employer knowing full well that an automatic system once implemented does not require continuous maintenance.
  • Less experienced end users can really struggle with these issues and often end up hiring an integrator to come in and do the upgrades.


       WEBICC CLOUD is a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) virtual platform based on a SaaS (software as a service) cloud-computing service and is made up of a data center for acquisition, storage, processing and available, in an intuitive WebForms-type graphic form, of the data from the technological process specific to each individual client.
It is a solution that eliminates all maintenance problems of a classic SCADA system.
The cloud-based WEBICC remote monitoring system uses a local Gateway device to communicate with the local control system and send the data securely to the cloud-hosted server on which the WEBICC data server is installed. The server stores the data and provides customized web screens, email and text notifications, historical developments, customized reports, etc. The WEBICC system is easy to configure and performs many similar tasks that a locally installed SCADA system would perform.

     Of course, local control is still needed. Most users would be reluctant to rely solely on a remote server to operate machines and equipment. However, pairing a remote monitoring system and a hosted cloud server with on-premises systems can have significant benefits. Since most other SCADA tasks are covered by the cloud server, local operator interface requirements can be addressed with dedicated touchscreen operator interface panels such as the WEBICC Panel PC. Operator interface panels are more reliable and easier to maintain than PCs. If you move your data collection, storage, analysis, reporting and mobile access functionality to a cloud solution, then you can control your facility with local actions on a local touchscreen device.

Hardware and software upgrade (hardware equipment such as: data servers, UPS type voltage sources, switches, routers, temperature control equipment, etc.)

SCADA WEBICC system in the Cloud if you want to avoid

  • Using an outdated SCADA system;
  • Periodic updates;
  • Loss of data of interest;
  • Calling on specialized staff;
  • Headaches with ultra specialized technologies;
  • IT infrastructure management.
  • Complicated licensing systems;
  • Software installations on your own IT systems.

A cloud-based SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system is a powerful tool for leveraging the Internet of Things. It enables businesses to automate tasks, collect real-time data, and gain real-time insights into their processes and devices.

A server-based SCADA system uses local servers to store and process data, while a cloud-based SCADA system uses remote servers hosted by a third-party vendor.
For managing a critical process that requires local supervision, a SCADA system
local is the most suitable due to the lower risk of interrupting the connection with the process.

      A cloud-based SCADA system can be accessed from any location with an Internet connection, while a server-based system can only be accessed from the location of local servers.

  Cloud-based SCADA systems can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing needs, while server-based systems may require additional hardware to accommodate more data or users.

Cloud-based SCADA systems are typically maintained by the third-party vendor, while server-based systems must be maintained by the organization using the system.

Cloud-based SCADA systems may have lower initial costs but higher ongoing costs, while server-based systems may have higher initial costs but lower ongoing costs.
