SCADA on raspberry pi integrated solution.

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Check out WEBICC Mini Box our scada on raspberry pi integration in the shop.


scada on raspbery pi

Porturi USB 3.0

raspberry pi

Procesor Quad core


Ruleaza 24/7

4k display

2 monitoare 4K in acelasi timp.


Rețea rapidă


Silențios, eficient din punct de vedere energetic


WEBICC MINI BOX is designed for customers wanting to use scada on raspberry pi (Rpi) single-board computers (SBCs) in unique IIoT applications. The new development board, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B, comes with a new 1.5 GHz quad-core processor, 4 GB LPDDR4 RAM memory, which will result in a much higher working speed. On the connectivity side, we have the new Bluetooth 5.0 standard, wireless LAN b/g/n/ac and a gigabit port. Also, the board has 2 microHDMI ports, so you can enjoy an extended work space and due to the fact that the board also has 4k support.

CPUBroadcom BCM2711, Quad core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.5GHz
Memorie Interna1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB sau 8 GB LPDDR4-3200 SDRAM (în funcție de model)
WIFI2,4 GHz și 5,0 GHz IEEE 802.11ac wireless
Bluetooth 5.0Yes
Gigabit EthernetYes
Ports2 USB 3.0 ports; 2 USB 2.0 ports
ConectivitateRaspberry Pi standard 40 pin GPIO header
Conectivitate video2 × micro-HDMI ports (up to 4kp60 supported)
Port camera2-lane MIPI CSI
Video portPort audio stereo cu 4 poli și video compozit
StocareSlot pentru card micro-SD pentru încărcarea sistemului de operare și stocarea datelor
Interfață de alimentare5V DC prin conector USB-C/5V DC prin antetul GPIO
Temperatura de Operare0 – 50 degrees C ambient
SoftwarePreinstalled WEBICC SCADA Software
   Mini PC-ul industrial fără ventilator specific aplicației, bazat pe tehnologia computerizată, oferă o platformă de integrare software și hardware potrivită pentru aplicații care necesită o fiabilitate mai mare, rentabilitate și un consum mai mare de energie. Mini PC-ul industrial fără ventilator a fost utilizat pe scară largă în rețele, comunicații, echipamente pentru vehicule, automatizări industriale, roboți industriali și alte industrii.

1. Stații de pompare
2. Stații de irigare
3. Nivelul rezervorului
4. Generatoare electrice
5. Debitmetre
6. Fotovoltaice
7. Turbine eoliene
8. Temperaturi
9. Umiditate
10. Sisteme de ventilatie
11. Consumul de energie
12. Smart homes

scada system



SCADA on raspberry pi

Raspberry Pi is a mini computer and can be a powerful alternative for automation, industry 4.0 and a multitude of other applications. It is designed to reduce costs and WEBICC is the integrated software environment for the development of SCADA systems. A WEBICC project that will run on this mini PC will monitor locally and remotely an agricultural platform for example. A SCADA system with Raspberry Pi proves that it can efficiently and cost-effectively monitor an automatic system with the smallest financial efforts.

The operating system is called Raspbian and comes from Linux. You can download the operating system installer, the system itself and the documentation. All of these can easily be found on the Raspberry PI vendor’s website.

RaspBerry Pi, gained ground and spread around the world. Therefore, it is worth trying solutions with this amazing tool. Consequently, like any good automation, whatever it is, you’ll need a SCADA system that can communicate with the Raspberry Pi. You can experiment by downloading WEBICC, our SCADA system, for free. You will be amazed to notice how much you can do with this mini PC by running WEBICC on it, you will be able to build runtime interfaces with the data collected from a technological process, you will connect for this with the usual programmable automata from Siemens, Schneider,Allen-Bradley, etc.

A WEBICC SCADA project installed on Raspberry Pi can be accessed through a WEB interface on any smart device connected to the Internet or in a local network. Such devices can be: Industrial touchscreen monitor, Smart TV, Monitor for PC, Laptop, Smartphone.
